Women's Vagabond Tradition Fleece

Women's Vagabond Tradition Fleece

Women's Vagabond Tradition Fleece

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Amidst the dappled light and tawny colors of autumn, the Italian wool-blend of this fleece serves as your ‘fall camouflage’.

Inspired by the traditional patterns which have defined Nordic knitwear for centuries, our modern take on this iconic style neatly integrates this heritage look with a contemporary boxy cut and waxed cotton accents.


  • Wool Fleece from Ponteporto, Italy
  • Waxed cotton front pocket, front closure and elbow patches
  • Large applied chest pocket for easy access to all your essentials
  • Field Testing Adventure patch
  • Boxy fit with adjustable waistband
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- 노르웨이 전역에서 1-4일의 시간 범위로 배달합니다.

- 노르웨이 외 지역: DHL Express DDP(세금 및 관세 납부)

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- Moniker Sport Valkyrien, Valkyriegata 3, 0366 Oslo 내 오프닝 우리.

- Moniker Sport Skøyen, Karenslyst Allé 51, 0279 Oslo 오프닝 내.

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